20 October 2022
Lampung, Indonesia
Menghadirkan layanan mulai dari Internet Access, Connectivity Solution, Greenet juga hadir sebagai solusi bagi para pelaku bisnis di berbagai segmen industri baik korporasi berskala kecil, menengah hingga besar. Kali ini Greenet bekerja sama dengan Nusa Net yang merupakan ISP lokal Kota Bandar Lampung, dengan ini Greenet terus memperkuat infrastruktur jaringan telekomunikasi ke seluruh Indonesia.
Penandatanganan kerja sama dilakukan oleh Guruh Mandala selaku Presiden Direktur Nusa Net beserta timnya dan Ahmad Andi selaku Head Region Lampung Greenet di Kantor Nusa Net, Kota Bandar Lampung. Greenet berkomitmen untuk terus memberikan service terbaik bagi para pelaku bisnis yang membutuhkan dukungan untuk perkembangan jaringan telekomunikasi.
Dengan jaringan Greenet yang tersebar di kota-kota besar di Indonesia, seperti Bali, Yogyakarta serta Lampung membuat kerja sama dengan Nusa Net dapat menghadirkan layanan telekomunikasi internet secara lebih cepat dan handal.
Providing services ranging from Internet Access, Connectivity Solutions, Greenet is also present as a solution for business people in various industry segments, both small, medium and large scale corporations. This time Greenet is working with Nusa Net which is the local ISP for Bandar Lampung City, with this Greenet continues to strengthen the telecommunication network infrastructure throughout Indonesia.
The signing of the cooperation was attend by Guruh Mandala as the President Director of Nusa Net and his team and Ahmad Andi as the Head of the Lampung Greenet Region at the Nusa Net Office, Bandar Lampung City. Greenet is committed to continuing to provide the best service for business people who need support for the development of telecommunication networks.
With the Greenet network spread across major cities in Indonesia, such as Bali, Yogyakarta and Lampung, the collaboration with Nusa Net can provide faster and more reliable Internet Telecommunications Services.
Editor : Wulandari